Drug resistance & what it means for the word you

Did you know?

Drug resistance may occur when the HIV virus changes or mutates. If you miss your dose or don't take your medication as prescribed, drug resistance may be more likely to develop.

What drug resistance can mean for you:

If HIV medications are not taken as prescribed, the HIV virus can “learn” to adapt and multiply. This can lead to drug resistance, which may mean:

  • Current HIV treatments may stop working*
  • Future treatment options may become limited
  • Drug-resistant strains of HIV can be transmitted to others

*This could cause your viral load to go up and CD4+ cell counts to go down, weakening your immune system.

What happens when I stay consistent with my treatment?

The lower your viral load, the less likely it is that the HIV virus will develop resistance. And the best way to keep your viral load consistently low is to take your HIV medication as prescribed and on schedule—every day.

When your viral load stays low or undetectable, it helps you stay healthy and protect others, too. By taking your medication as prescribed, you can:

Maintain effectiveness icon

Maintain the effectiveness of your treatment.

Reduce the risk in percentage icon

Reduce the risk of transmitting HIV to others.

Lessen the chance of weak immune system icon

Lessen the chance of weakening your immune system and becoming sick.

Helen, SYMTUZA® patient smelling the flowers in the garden

This person is not a real SYMTUZA® patient.

Helen, SYMTUZA® patient smelling the flowers in the garden

This person is not a real SYMTUZA® patient.

Drug resistance is a problem. It can make any HIV treatment less effective.

SYMTUZA® includes a key ingredient called DARUNAVIR, which is linked to a low risk of drug resistance and can help you achieve and maintain an undetectable viral load.

SYMTUZA® has a high barrier to resistance, which means the medication can keep working even in some cases when the virus has changed multiple times. Get the most out of your HIV treatment with SYMTUZA®, a one pill, once-daily medication that is linked to a low risk of drug resistance.

The power of darunavir was studied in more than 5,500 patients across 14 clinical trials, with data up to 192 weeks.

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When your SYMTUZA® supply starts to run low, get more from your healthcare provider or pharmacy. This is very important because the amount of virus in your body may increase if the medicine is stopped for even a short time. The virus may develop resistance to SYMTUZA® and become harder to treat.

Tips on starting & staying on SYMTUZA®.

Starting on a new medication can be tough. Here are some tips that may help:

Alert and reminder icon

Set calendar reminders and alarms.

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Plan for unplanned situations by carrying extra medication wherever you go.

Talk to your doctor icon

Talk to your healthcare provider about your daily routine, and other concerns you may have, to keep you on schedule.

The right resources are just a click away.

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Helen, Nathan and Danny, SYMTUZA® patients laughing

This person is not a real SYMTUZA® patient.

Helen, Nathan and Danny, SYMTUZA® patients laughing

This person is not a real SYMTUZA® patient.